In my last post I wrote about the dangers of recommendations when selecting CRM software, and I just wanted to add a few points that I didn’t cover last time out. Firstly, the post was very much in the context of the dangers of recommendations from other users of CRM, Continue Reading
Choosing CRM software – the dangers of recommendation
While recommendations from people we know is probably the biggest influence on our purchase decisions for goods and services, I’ve never been too convinced as to how well this works when choosing CRM software. As a case in point, I had a conversation this week with a business owner who Continue Reading
CRM and influencer management
Given how important influencers, (academics, industry analysts, journalists, bloggers, professional advisors etc.) have become, as their ability to make themselves heard has increased, and the ability of marketers to influence more directly has declined, I’m surprised how little use organisations make of their CRM platforms to support influencer marketing. For Continue Reading
Dull maybe, but essential – the role of the usage manual in CRM implementation
Point 57 in the ’99 ways to get more out your CRM software’ was: 57. Develop a usage manual – does everyone understand how they should be using the system? Often different people will use it in different ways, and that impacts key outputs such as reports. Creating a usage manual will Continue Reading