Following on from last week’s post here are the next set of classic CRM technology selection mistakes: Falling for the salesperson – As I mentioned in the last post a lot of purchase decisions are based on emotion rather than hard analysis. Salespeople are particularly influential – positively and negatively Continue Reading
Choosing the best CRM software – seventeen classic CRM technology selection mistakes
Last time I discussed some of the common problems organisations experience with gathering CRM requirements, in this post – or posts as I suspect the list will prove a long one – I want to cover off the CRM vendor selection process. In principle selecting and purchasing the right CRM Continue Reading
Six common CRM requirements gathering faux pas
In my last post I gave my thoughts on the most common problems associated with CRM feasibility and planning. This week I want to cover off my take on the main snafu’s in the CRM requirements gathering process: Lack of clear objectives – I covered this in the last post, Continue Reading
The six most common CRM feasibility and planning snafu’s
This is the first in a mini-series of posts aimed at picking out key problem points in the main stages of the implementation process. Today I’m going to focus on CRM feasibility and planning. So here’s my take on the six most common planning and feasibility snafu’s: Undue focus on Continue Reading
Nine things the CEO should know about implementing CRM software
I was involved in a presentation last week to a group of CEO’s on the topic of CRM technology. The following summarises some of the points I wanted to get across: Most projects do not add great value – my best guess is that over 80% of CRM projects fail Continue Reading
Five reasons why 19 CRM systems may be better than one
The opening line of a recent article on caught my attention: ‘You’ve got 19 CRM systems when you only need one – and you know it! Why won’t organisations rationalise their applications landscape?’ On the surface it seems a somewhat rhetorical question. Why would you want to live with Continue Reading
Complex CRM projects, mid market technology, and the next round of CRM project failures
Once upon a time if you were a large enterprise you bought your CRM system from an enterprise vendor. And, while in the early days there were some high profile failures, enterprise vendors became pretty reasonable at implementing CRM systems. However the CRM market has changed. The CRM software that Continue Reading
Vertical CRM software or customise?
As new generations of CRM system have become ever more flexible the potential to rapidly customise software to meet needs that may be far removed from the vanilla package has increased dramatically. This has created a dilemma for many potential purchasers of CRM as to whether it’s better to go Continue Reading
Are you paying too much for your CRM software support?
Once upon a time the pricing of support contracts for CRM software was pretty straightforward; normally a straight percentage of the cost of the software. In recent years things have become considerably less predictable with a raft of rather more exotic arrangements which seem to bear scant resemblance to traditional Continue Reading
CRM 101 – The Benefits of Lead Management
Following on from my piece about the benefits of contact management, this post explains the benefits of using CRM technology for lead management. Lead management is an interesting area because, for reasons I will explain in more detail later, it can have a very significant bottom line benefit. However, for Continue Reading