Just back from spending some time with friends in Barcelona, one of whom is a senior IT executive at one of the larger FMCG companies, and one which I consider to be one of the most effective users of IT technology out there. As they are currently in the midst Continue Reading
A disconnect in desperate need of bridging…
In his post ‘Are we solving the same problem’ Seth Godin brilliantly sums up one of the fundamental problems of the CRM industry even though he’s not actually writing about IT. The point he makes is that people are much more comfortable discussing the solution to a problem than the Continue Reading
One simple way to slash CRM implementation costs…
In the early days of Mareeba we were working with a client to help them create an extension to their CRM system. As we usually do, we had created a detailed specification and circulated it to potential vendors for their proposed pricing. The quotes that came back seemed astronomical compared Continue Reading
Something of a rant I suspect…
Conspectus Magazine asked me for an opinion piece that was published this week under the title of ‘Could do (a lot) better’. I suspect they might have preferred a more gentle piece on CRM and social media for example. Instead they got something of a rant: Could do (a lot) Continue Reading
Seven tips for phasing CRM projects…
‘Phase your CRM project’ is one of those frequently offered pieces of advice to would-be implementers of CRM technology, but what does this really mean in practice? So, seven quick tips for phasing CRM projects effectively: Do the minimal amount that gets results – it’s easy to over-engineer CRM systems, Continue Reading
Reflecting on CRM failure….
I was asked to speak on the topic of CRM failure this week. The following summarizes what I covered. The occurrence of outright failure, where no system ever sees the light of day is exaggerated. I’m only aware of a few instances of outright failure and this normally occurs when Continue Reading
Independent CRM consultants and their role outside CRM software selection…
One of my training partners was telling me about one of his client’s purchase of a Microsoft CRM system, as we were out running this morning. As the story went the client had settled on MS CRM as the preferred technology and then went on to find an implementation partner. Continue Reading
The tyranny of the CRM change request…
Conspectus asked me to write an opinion piece for them on matters of my choosing pertaining to CRM technology. While I suspect they would have preferred something rather more topical regarding CRM and Twitter, or CRM and H1N1 for example, I warmed to the topic of the CRM vendor’s fixation Continue Reading
On CRM and User Acceptance Testing…
Having sat through countless sales presentations over the years where vendors have rhapsodized about their carefully honed implementation methodology I can observe that the reality rarely measures up to promise of the pitch. One manifestation is the quality of what gets delivered into the user acceptance testing (UAT) phase where Continue Reading
Did I call it wrong?
Back in October I made a very downbeat assessment of the state of the economy and its impact on the CRM industry. While I winced hugely when Joel Spolsky announced the end of the tech recession back in February, a straw poll of vendors suggests that while the last quarter Continue Reading