I say a lot of things to a lot of people on the subject of CRM. I can’t say I was expecting to be quoted in the Financial Times this morning though… ShareThis
Dominated by great sales and marketing…
Nice piece from Bob Thompson of CustomerThink the other day entitled ‘SugarCRM rides the open source wave’. Interesting from the perspective that it flags Sugar as a force to watch. I suspect they are disturbing the sleep of a good few CRM software CEO’s right now. The article also highlights Continue Reading
When not to invest in CRM…
I was recently talking to a friend of mine who is a senior IT exec in a global FMCG company. They are a very IT savvy organization, particularly in respect to their approach to deploying ERP technology across their international operations, which they have done to considerable effect. I was Continue Reading
A few key points…
The following are notes from a presentation I gave last week which boil down a lot of my thinking on implementing CRM systems: The challenges of implementing a successful CRM system are more numerous and complex than might appear to be the case. In this respect there are a number Continue Reading
As yet unbranded…
A slightly revised Anita Clifford interview is now on the Mycustomer.com web site. This will now be a regular feature of both sites (though appearing here first of course). Mycustomer.com wanted the interview up on the site as soon as possible. Rather too soon for us to come up with Continue Reading
What a CRM consultant would tell you about buying CRM software – part 3
As I’ve noted previously, the key foundations to effective purchasing are to define a detailed set of requirements, and in light of those requirements assemble a group of relevant technologies and capable vendors to select from. Step three is to prepare and distribute a request for proposal (RFP) document in Continue Reading
More bang for your CRM consultancy buck…
One area where a CRM consultant can deliver a very immediate and significant bang for the client’s buck is the area of negotiation of pricing and terms. Yes, some organizations are excellent negotiators, and without outside help can probably substantially reduce costs, but a good CRM consultant with a good Continue Reading
The monthly CRM fireside…
In the first of what I’m intending to be monthly series of interviews primarily focusing on some of the challenges of implementing high pay-back CRM systems I sat down with Anita Clifford of ETC Global Solutions, one of the key implementers of Microsoft Dynamics CRM in the UK. Can you Continue Reading
Fire half the sales-force?
Nice piece in Seth’s Godin’s blog today about axing half the sales-force. I’ve long held a theory – though haven’t seen it tested yet – that cutting back to a core number of star salespeople, with excellent administrative and IT support to make them as productive as possible, may prove Continue Reading
Why do CRM projects really fail?
Having just read yet another self serving ‘six reasons why CRM projects fail’ article which follows the usual well trodden path: CRM projects fail because CRM software isn’t easy to use. However we at XYZ software company have developed some really easy to use CRM software, so problem over, no Continue Reading